eCube – catalog gratuit de produse electrotehnice

sk / cz / en / pl / hu / de / ro
_ dual output 12V/5A + 5V/5A
_ small size-factor
_ wide input range 13 to 30VDC
_ fanless solution
_ designed for industrial applications
_ 24/7

Producer: Q-PRODUCTS a. s.
Input: 13 to 30VDC
Output: 60W 12V/5A + 25W 5V/5A simultaneously
Performance Characteristics
Noise & Ripple: <100mV

Uin=13V;Iout=1A; Eff=83%
Uin=13V;Iout=5A; Eff=97%
Uin=24V;Iout=1A; Eff=92%
Uin=24V;Iout=5A; Eff=96%
Uin=30V;Iout=1A; Eff=90%
Uin=30V;Iout=5A; Eff=95%

Operating temperature: -25º C to +85ºC
Dimmensions: 56(W) x 53(L) x 17(H) mm
Mounting holes: 3, diameter 3.2mm
Weight: 41g

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Sectorul industrial
Soluții pentru
Evaluare Trimite sugestii despre versiunea BETA